Vacancy Detail
Name Of The Post : Ayush DoctorsTotal Number of Vacancies : 2136 Posts
Scale of Pay : Rs.20000/-
Vacancies By Catogories :
- UR-1068
- EBC-385
- SC-342
- ST-21
- BC-256
- BC(F)-64
Minimum Educational Qualification :
- Candidate should possess BAMS/BUMS/BHMS Degree from any recognized university.
Experience :
- Applicant should have One year working experience either as a private practitioner or as a physician in any Health Services organisation.
Application Fee :
- Rs. 500/- bank draft for General Catogory , Rs. 300/- for BC/EBC and Rs. 200/- for SC/ ST candidates. Bank Draft should be drawn on any nationalizedbank favoring “State Health Society, Bihar” and payable at Patna.
How to Apply :
- Candidate should apply Online. Candidate after submitting applications online would receive Bar Coded Acknowledgement Card (BCAC) which along with demand draft (not required if payment is made online) and a sworn affidavit must be sent in sealed envelope to The Executive Director, State Health Society, Bihar, Pariwar Kalyan Bhawan, Sheikhpura, Patna-800014 through speed/registered post so as to reach the above address on or before 5:00 pm, 10.10.2013.
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