State Farms Corporation Of India Limited
State farms corporation of india limited under the administrative control of ministry of agriculture, Depart of agriculture & corporation is an apex body enagaged in the production of quality seeds and distribution ,invites application for national indian filling up the following posts on direct recruitment basis. Intersted and eligible canddidates read below post carefully. for age detail,post name,qualification,location,pay scale any kind of information read below ..
Post Name : Assistant General Manager
Pay scale : RS 24,900/- to 50,500/-
Number of Posts : 02 Posts ( FOR OBC )
Post Qualification Experience : 8 Years
Maximum Age as on 31/08/2013 : 53 years
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : B.Sc Plus MBA (marketting & Agri Bussiness management) from any recognised university with minimum Sixty percent marks.
Post Name : Assistant
Pay Scale : rs 9,400/- to 25,700/-
Number of Vacancies : 04 Posts (UR : 02, OBC : 01 , SC : 01 )
Post Qualification Experience : 2 Years for BBA/BCA/BA 5YEARS for Graduate with one year PG Diploma PM/IR/HRM.
Maximum Age : 30 for UR ,33 YEARS FOR OBC , 35 YEARS FOR SC.
Educational Qualification :
BA/BCA/BBA with 55 percent marks from any recognised university OR Graduation with 55 percent marks from any recognised university.
Job Location : New Delhi
Application Form may be downloaded from SFCI’s website i.e. Application complete in all respect along with attested copies of Certificates/Testimonials should be sent to the General Manager (HR) at the above mentioned address by post/courier on or before 07.01.2013. Applications received after the last date, incomplete or without the required documents/information or unsigned will not be considered.
How To Apply :
Applications should be sent through proper channel in case the candidates working in Government Department / PSUs/Autonomous bodies. While forwarding the applications, it may be verified by the Department / PSUs concerned that the particulars furnished by the candidates are correct and no vigilance / disciplinary case is pending against him / her. The candidates belonging to General and OBC category are advised to enclose DD / Banker’s Cheque of Rs. 500/- in favour of State Farm Corporation of India Limited payable at New Delhi towards application fees. SC/ST Physically challenged candidates are exempted from application fee. One self-attested photograph must be pasted on the top of the application form.
Outstation Candidates called for Interview for the post at Sl No. 01 & 02 shall be reimbursed 3rd AC single to and fro railway fare by shortest route on production of proof of journey or actual fare whichever is less subject to production of proof and no objection certificate (in case working in Govt/PSUs/Quasi Govt. Organisation). In case of Management Trainees TA is admissible in sleeper class at the time of interview only.

Post Name : Assistant General Manager
Pay scale : RS 24,900/- to 50,500/-
Number of Posts : 02 Posts ( FOR OBC )
Post Qualification Experience : 8 Years
Maximum Age as on 31/08/2013 : 53 years
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : B.Sc Plus MBA (marketting & Agri Bussiness management) from any recognised university with minimum Sixty percent marks.
Post Name : Assistant
Pay Scale : rs 9,400/- to 25,700/-
Number of Vacancies : 04 Posts (UR : 02, OBC : 01 , SC : 01 )
Post Qualification Experience : 2 Years for BBA/BCA/BA 5YEARS for Graduate with one year PG Diploma PM/IR/HRM.
Maximum Age : 30 for UR ,33 YEARS FOR OBC , 35 YEARS FOR SC.
Educational Qualification :
BA/BCA/BBA with 55 percent marks from any recognised university OR Graduation with 55 percent marks from any recognised university.
Job Location : New Delhi
Application Form may be downloaded from SFCI’s website i.e. Application complete in all respect along with attested copies of Certificates/Testimonials should be sent to the General Manager (HR) at the above mentioned address by post/courier on or before 07.01.2013. Applications received after the last date, incomplete or without the required documents/information or unsigned will not be considered.
How To Apply :
Applications should be sent through proper channel in case the candidates working in Government Department / PSUs/Autonomous bodies. While forwarding the applications, it may be verified by the Department / PSUs concerned that the particulars furnished by the candidates are correct and no vigilance / disciplinary case is pending against him / her. The candidates belonging to General and OBC category are advised to enclose DD / Banker’s Cheque of Rs. 500/- in favour of State Farm Corporation of India Limited payable at New Delhi towards application fees. SC/ST Physically challenged candidates are exempted from application fee. One self-attested photograph must be pasted on the top of the application form.
Outstation Candidates called for Interview for the post at Sl No. 01 & 02 shall be reimbursed 3rd AC single to and fro railway fare by shortest route on production of proof of journey or actual fare whichever is less subject to production of proof and no objection certificate (in case working in Govt/PSUs/Quasi Govt. Organisation). In case of Management Trainees TA is admissible in sleeper class at the time of interview only.